Hello everyone,
I think I said this in the beginning when I began this blog. I'm not the most technical person in the universe. I'm saying that to say this, I have been locked out of my own blog, Because I forgot my password. The information I want to relay to you is so important that I had to find it and get my hubby to put it away. He's the organized one. LOL
Anyway I want to invite everyone interested in reading romance and in especially romances featuring African American characters to join in our bookclub. At this point we have more than a dozen genesis authors who have signed on and all will be invited to participate.
This will be your opportunity to tell us what you like. WE would really love your company so please follow the link and join us for chatting and whatever else.
Our first featured book talk will be, "Love Lasts Forever" by Dominiqua Douglas.
Take care