Interview with fantasy character Kai Darkwood, knight and Sauraii warrior from my new fantasy novel, Queen in Exile
Walking toward the arena where the knights have just finished training, I wave to a tall, dark-haired knight who is handing his gear to his squire, and I call, "Captain Darkwood, may I have a moment?"
Kai turns toward me with his famous, heart-stopping grin, and lets his gaze rove up and down me as he approaches. "Of course, fair one. What would you ask of me?" he asks in his lovely, Darborian accent, faintly reminiscent of Irish. His brilliant blue eyes narrow as he comes to a stop within arms' length. "You are familiar to me. Have we met?"
I'd almost forgotten how handsome he is and I stammer, "W-Well, yes, I'm your author."
"But of course. You look more than ever. That gown is much more flattering than those strange leggings you usually wear."
"Yes, well, no one is supposed to look good in sweats."
He cocks his head to the side. "Tell me, why do you lock yourself away hour after hour?"
"Um, well, to write about you. And this interview is about you, not me."
"But you are so much more interesting than I."
"Now Kai, I know you are a very private person, but I promise I'll keep my questions general; nothing terribly personal."
His blue eyes twinle as he folds his muscular arms over his broad chest. "You already know everything about me."
"Yes, but my readers don't."
"Very well. I will agree to this interview. If I dislike any question you ask, I will simply kiss you to make you forget." A cocky grin tugs at his lips.
I blush deeply, unwilling to confess exactly how much I'd like to be kissed by the Kai Darkwood, and manage an outraged, "Kai! I'm married!"
"A pity."
"Don't try to turn your legendary charm on me, Kai Darkwood, I wrote you."
"Or did I simply tell you what to write?"
Refusing to admit how much I've dreamed about him, I take a breath to steady my knees. "Back to the interview. Would you please explain exactly what is a Sauraii warrior?"
"Very well. A Sauraii Warrior is highly trained in weaponry, battle tactics, and hand-to-hand combat. It takes most people several years to complete the course. Some never finish at all."
"But you finished it in record time."
Kai shrugs modestly. "My father did, as well."
"Please tell us why you're here in Arden, instead of in your native country of Darbor."
"My king commanded me to train the knights of Arden out of concern for his friend and ally, the King of Arden."
"Arden has enjoyed a century of peace and has developed an abhorrence to violence, even training in self-defense. Their knights train out of tradition, but not out of real desire. Their skills are very limited which makes them vulnerable to enemy attack."
"And they're in danger of enemy attack?"
"Our spies have told us the barbarians of Hanore plan to attack after spring thaw. We have much to do and little time."
"Tell me, what is your impression of Princess Jeniah?"
Kai shifts uncomfortably. "She is lovely, and has graciously forgiven me for our....misunderstanding upon our first meeting."
"She intrigues you?"
He stiffens. "She is royalty. There can be nothing between us. It's just as well." His fingers move unconsciously to a lock of braided hair hanging around his neck, and a fleeting, haunting look appears in his eyes. When he catches me looking, he masks the brief display of emotion.
Very softly, I ask, "Will you ever let down those walls around your heart?"
There is a brief look of alarm, then a devilish light enters his eye as his irrepressible grin slips back into place. "I think it is time I kissed you."
Reminding myself I'm married, even while I wonder if kissing a fictional character counts, I turn and run, almost tripping over the skirts of my medieval-style gown.
Kai's laughter chases my retreat.
Warm wishes,
Donna Hatch
Believe in Happily Ever After
The Guise of a Gentleman; Book 2 of the Rogue Hearts Series
Queen in Exile, a fantasy