MISTY BLUEby Dyanne DavisRT Rating: 4 Stars: Category: CONTEMPORARY ROMANCEPublisher: Genesis Press/indigoPublished: May 2006Type: Contemporary Romance (African-American)
In this sequel to The Wedding Gown, Davis presents more mature characters and reveals greater details surrounding Mia's and Damien's upbringings. Examining the psychological effects of child abandonment and self-doubt, the author depicts a much more complicated tale. Not the typical alpha male, Damien's character adds a delicate balance of sensitivity -- just when Mia needs it most -- without coming across as weak-willed. And though Mia's thoughts don't always make sense, she is a likeable heroine that readers will have a difficult time forgetting. This is, by far, Davis' best work yet, and alludes to the fact that this series may become a trilogy. (May, 220 pp., $9.95)—T.L. Burton
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1 comment:
Cinquetta, WOW! you have really made my day on this rainy Sat, Thank you. I have an excerpt on my website about Let's Get it on. It's an interracial romance. Part of it's set in Pakastian. I love the names of these two characters, Heaven and Hamid. Thank you for leaving a comment. Feel free to email me anytime that you want. davisdyanne@aol.com
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