No one wants to wait for Christmas to celebrate the holidays so we're having a Christmas in July Event! Great Prizes, to include a new Sony Touch eReader, hats, totes, tee-shirts, gift cards, and more!
To enter our BIG contest:
1. Join our yahoo group - and you already have!
2. Become a Follower at our blog: http://romancebooksrus.blogspot.com Check the right sidebar and click on FOLLOW and follow directions. If you have a problem with this, contact april@aprilash.net (aprilATaprilashDOTnet).
3. Click on each of the 20 RBRU Bloggers' Websites/Blogs listed on the right sidebar at the blog (under FOLLOWERS). Send a list of 20 authors' names and one book title for each one to: contests.rbrus@gmail.com (contests.rbrusATgmailDOT.com). If an author has two pen names, you only need to click on one. You'll need a total of 20 author names and 20 book titles.
Contest runs from 1 July - 31 July midnight ET. Sorry: we only ship prizes to US and Canadian residents. Others may receive an emailed gift card/certificate. Winners will be announced on our Yahoo group and blog during the first week in August.
Please note: If you join just to enter the contest and then leave the group, you won't be permitted to rejoin when we do another BIG contest. Like Santa, I'm "making a list and checking it twice" so will keep track of those who join and leave. ALSO: going NO MAIL happens to everyone, but please don't make this permanent. We want you to be a part of our group, hear all our news, and join in! I also check this "list".
AUTHORS SPONSORING ADDITIONAL CONTESTS: (This list of Authors and contest links will be in FILES. Each author will run their own extra contest so click on their link. Others may be added so check Files frequently for updates.
Marianne Stephens
April Ash
Tina Donahue
http://www.tinadonahue.com and http://www.tinadonahue.com/blog
Jean Hart Stewart
Dyanne Davis
http://dyannedavis.blogspot.com or http://www.AdamOmega.com
Elaine Hopper
Ashley Ladd
Cindy Spencer Pape
Gina Ardito
Paris Brandon
Renee Vincent
http://www.reneevincent.com or http://pasttheprint.blogspot.com
Nicole Morgan
Don't miss out on this contest. You've figured out I'm a part of this right? LOL. I'm giving away two copies of In The Beginning. This one is so easy. For me you have to go to www.adamomega.com and sign the guestbook. It's that easy. The winners will be drawn on July 31. Looking forward to seeing you at romancebooksrus.
No one wants to wait for Christmas to celebrate the holidays so we're having a Christmas in July Event! Great Prizes, to include a new Sony Touch eReader, hats, totes, tee-shirts, gift cards, and more!
To enter our BIG contest:
1. Join our yahoo group - and you already have!
2. Become a Follower at our blog: http://romancebooksrus.blogspot.com Check the right sidebar and click on FOLLOW and follow directions. If you have a problem with this, contact april@aprilash.net (aprilATaprilashDOTnet).
3. Click on each of the 20 RBRU Bloggers' Websites/Blogs listed on the right sidebar at the blog (under FOLLOWERS). Send a list of 20 authors' names and one book title for each one to: contests.rbrus@gmail.com (contests.rbrusATgmailDOT.com). If an author has two pen names, you only need to click on one. You'll need a total of 20 author names and 20 book titles.
Contest runs from 1 July - 31 July midnight ET. Sorry: we only ship prizes to US and Canadian residents. Others may receive an emailed gift card/certificate. Winners will be announced on our Yahoo group and blog during the first week in August.
Please note: If you join just to enter the contest and then leave the group, you won't be permitted to rejoin when we do another BIG contest. Like Santa, I'm "making a list and checking it twice" so will keep track of those who join and leave. ALSO: going NO MAIL happens to everyone, but please don't make this permanent. We want you to be a part of our group, hear all our news, and join in! I also check this "list".
AUTHORS SPONSORING ADDITIONAL CONTESTS: (This list of Authors and contest links will be in FILES. Each author will run their own extra contest so click on their link. Others may be added so check Files frequently for updates.
Marianne Stephens
April Ash
Tina Donahue
http://www.tinadonahue.com and http://www.tinadonahue.com/blog
Jean Hart Stewart
Dyanne Davis
http://dyannedavis.blogspot.com or http://www.AdamOmega.com
Elaine Hopper
Ashley Ladd
Cindy Spencer Pape
Gina Ardito
Paris Brandon
Renee Vincent
http://www.reneevincent.com or http://pasttheprint.blogspot.com
Nicole Morgan
Don't miss out on this contest. You've figured out I'm a part of this right? LOL. I'm giving away two copies of In The Beginning. This one is so easy. For me you have to go to www.adamomega.com and sign the guestbook. It's that easy. The winners will be drawn on July 31. Looking forward to seeing you at romancebooksrus.
Last time. Sign guestbook. www.AdamOmega.com
Go to http:..groups.yahoo.com/group/romancebooksrus/ Join the group.
mention Dyanne sent you. That's it. Easy as pie right? Winners will be drawn July 31st 2010
Best of luck to all of you.