Happy New Year. It may be a bit late in coming but if I said
it on the first you wouldn't think I actually wrote it. LOL.
Our first interview of 2014 is with
none other than A.C. Arthur, a multi-published, multi award winner, A. C
Author. Congratulations are again in
order. A.C. is a finalist with two books in several different categories of this
year, Emma Award from Romance Slam Jam.
Her book, Pleasured by A Donovan is
up for Best Sequel. Passions Prey is up for, steamy romance and heroine of the
year. Passions Prey is also up for book of the year. LOL. Wait, one more. A.C. is a finalist for author
of the year. Congratulations A.C. I know
you're going to bring home more trophies.
Dyanne, A.C. It's time for us to catch up it's been
about three years since I interviewed you for the Romance Slam Jam blog. I'd like to catch your readers up with
what you've been up to.
A.C.: It seems like all I’ve been doing since we
last had a chance to chat is writing and promoting, LOL.
Dyanne: I heard about your readers event and
thought maybe first, I'd like for you to tell your readers about your event,
how it got started, where it's held, and how they can attend.
A.C: I’ve attended quite a few literary
functions, some small and some too large for me to have even been considered a
guest. LOL. There was a definite vibe
from readers that they wanted more one-on-one time with authors, a more
intimate setting. And they wanted to talk about specific books and the
characters that they’d come to love. Being on a panel or presenting a workshop
did not always allow us to have that type of conversation. I decided that I
wanted to do something that would focus on what readers enjoyed, the books.
The first event was in
2012 and I was so afraid that nobody would show up. I only had a small space so
I couldn’t have too many guests—thinking back on it now I probably did that on
purpose so I wouldn't feel so bad if nobody showed. LOL But in the end, there
were readers that I had to turn away because I’d run out of space. We had a great time talking about my books and
sitting down sharing a meal. That’s all we did and it was fabulous. I knew I
wanted to try having another event and to take it a step further.
2013, the original plan was to have a weekend event to give the readers more
time to talk about the books, (my Donovan series) and I knew that would take
awhile. The family reunion idea was a culmination of my father wanting to get
up and talk to the readers about me and Priscilla Johnson (my Street Team
Manager) believing he should have that opportunity. We planned the reunion and
wedding celebration as I wrote the book, Heart of a Donovan, and since we were
focusing on family, I decided to invite other authors with family series. We
had almost 80 guests in attendance and it was a marvelous time. All weekend I
had readers come up to me saying they couldn’t wait for 2014’s event and I was
amazed—we immediately starting planning for the next year.
here we are now, just opening registration for this year’s Season of Shifters
event. I love the idea of giving each event a theme that centers around books
that they’ve read. As with last year, the featured authors that will attend the
event write stories that match the theme of shifting the scene of romance. While last year we celebrated love in
contemporary romance, this year we’re shifting to paranormal and erotic
romance. I’m very excited about our venue—Walt Disney World—and the program
we’re planning for our guests. So if you’re a lover of romance, you are welcome
to join us! We’re going to have a fabulous time!
Dyanne- A.C. congratulations. I love how
your father was involved. And as for Priscilla, she's a dynamo and I can just
imagine what a great street team manager she is. Now how about telling us what you've
been doing for the last three years.
A.C.: I’ve
been continuing my Donovan series, even though it is no longer published
through Kimani Romance. That decision was made because I wanted more creative
freedom to carry the series in the direction I really wanted it to go.
2010, my first young adult paranormal book was released from Kimani TRU under my full name,
Artist Arthur. The Mystyx series was a great opportunity to write a story about
young people dealing with more than just everyday issues. I loved the
In 2012, I began a new
series, The Shadow Shifters, with St. Martin’s Press. It was thought
that this was my first foray into paranormal romance but it wasn’t actually.
Heart of the Phoenix was published in 2007
by Genesis Press and under the pseudonym Sapphire Blue I wrote 7 paranormal
erotic romances.
Last year also marked
the start of my small town contemporary series that I write under the pseudonym
Lacey Baker. www.laceybooks.com It is a heartwarming series about a
grandmother who passes away and leaves her six Labrador puppies to the
grandchildren that she helped raised and wants to return to the small town
where they were born to run her B&B.
this spring my first New Adult romances will be published by St. Martin’s Press as a prequel to
the Shadow Shifter series.
guess you could say I’m just writing what I want to write at this time. What
books are not contracted by a publisher, I release through my own publishing
company, Artistry Publishing.
Dyanne: This
is why I love interviewing authors. Every time you think you know about them,
you learn something new. I didn't know
about your Lacey Baker pseudonym. I love your books, so now I have a new name to
look out for, Lacey. And another
congrats for starting your own company. You've proven a woman can have it all.
It's a great idea to have traditional publishing, while giving Indie publishing
a try at the same time.
I'd like to remind readers of some of your
precious works. Can you tell us how you got your start?
A.C: I’d written two manuscripts when I
resigned from my position as a legal secretary to take care of my daughter.
Through Internet research I came across Genesis Press and I submitted the first
manuscript. It was a hot mess, but they loved it, and after much editing Object
of His Desire was published in 2003. Now, I was not one of the lucky ones that
submitted once and received a contract. I’d been submitting to agents for about
two years before I found Genesis online and was elated when they said I could
submit without an agent. I went on to publish several books with Genesis Press,
before signing with Harlequin.
Dyanne: You made me laugh talking about your
book being a hot mess. I remember the
feeling well and it was also with Genesis Press. I am thankful that they were
around to give so many writers a start. Are there any conferences you will be
attending this year where readers can meet you?
A.C.: In April, I will be speaking at the
Texas Library Association Conference – Black Caucus Round Table Discussion in San Antonio. I will be at
Romance Slam Jam in NOLA and also at Romantic Times Conference in NOLA, both in
May. After that I’ll be sticking closer to home, attending the Frederick Book
Festival in June and then The Season of Shifters even in August.
Dyanne: What are your future plans?
A.C.: To keep writing. As long as the stories
flow, I’m willing to put them on paper. For me, my career begins and ends with
writing good stories.
On the other hand, I would love for the reader
events to grow and become inclusive of all types of readers and authors, but
we’ll see how that works out.
Dyanne: Where can readers find you?
A.C.: I feel like I’m everywhere but at least
once a week I get an email saying “I just found your book. I’d never heard of
you before.” LOL So I guess I’m not everywhere.
Facebook -- @AC Arthur’s Book Lounge &
@yabyartist & @Lacey Baker
Twitter -- @AcArthur & @yabyartist &
Google+ -- @ACArthur
Linked In (although I’m rarely there)
Human desire. Animal
Shadow Shifters
Claim - August 2014
The Shadow Shifters: Damaged Hearts
A New Adult
Trilogy - April, May & June 2014
The Donovans - Dark.
Dangerous. Desirable.
of a Donovan - Now Available!
Donovans Volume I - Now Available!
LIKE AC Arthur's Book Lounge on Facebook
Follow Me On Twitter @AcArthur
Here's a picture of A.C. and guests at last year's event.
Dyanne: A.C. it's been great catching up. Thank
you so much for the interview. I'm
keeping my fingers crossed for you and the Emma award.
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