Saturday, July 07, 2007

L.A. Banks comes to town

Can you see me jumping up and screaming? Well I am. L. A. Banks is coming to IL. and to Bolingbrook to do my local cable show. I'm so giddy. Yes, I've met her before several times in fact. But I'm such a huge fan of hers. She's the most gracious person I've ever met. Okay let me change that to one of. LOL.

Beverly Jenkins, Deirdre Savoy, Evelyn Palfrey Katherine Jones are all on that list.

Still to interview the master of the vampire huntress series, wow. I hope I'll be able to do something besides fawn.

My showing will soon be a part of the streaming video so you'll be able to see it. WE're just waiting for the village mayor to approve the order for the equipment. July 28th is when she will be in Bolingbrook.

JULY came and the interview was fantastic. I didn't know I'd never posted this. I'm trying to find a way to post at least a snippet of the video here


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.

Lest Ye Be Judged

Lest Ye Be Judged
Adam Omega, returns vengeance